- Money, Profit
There is always gonna be hackers doing their act for profit, because they can make good money in a relitively small amount of time by doing their profession
- Acces to additional resource
Some hackers just wanna get the resources from their target, such as the latest technology from a certain company, names and accounts of employees, and so on.
- Competitive advantage
This motivation is usually for hackers working for an institute or company, where they will use their hacking skills to topple their company's rivals
- Personal grievance
Some hacker just wants to take revenge into a company that has dissapointed him in the past, by maybe dismissing him from his position.
- Curiosity
Maybe the most used motivation in today's hackers. They just wanna test their skills, and some even does it for fun not stimulated by any other reasons
- Attention
Are you a hacker? Which of these motivations push you to do your action?
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